Senior Support Group
The Senior Support Group at Assumption meets every Tuesday & Thursday, 10AM to 12PM, to work on projects, share stories and have a few laughs. On the 1st Thursday of each month, we have a potluck. This a great chance to try new dishes and visit with fellow parishioners. A bridge game follows for those interested. We have field trips occasionally and would appreciate a volunteer as a Travel Chairman to coordinate more activities.
Most of you have seen us in Msgr. Crean Hall at our boutiques and see some of the handiwork that is done. What you don’t see is the work behind the scenes for charity. One of our members is involved in “Care Bears” – stuffed animals that are made from the material of a favorite garment of a lost loved one and given to the family. Another member knits hats for cancer patients going through chemotherapy. We have donated and are still donating many scarves, hats, and beanie babies to Operation Gratitude for our folks in the military. At Christmas time we make blankets, throws and either make or buy socks to be stuffed with goodies for those in rest homes and for the shut-in members of our parish.
The money that is made from our sales at the boutique is for the special needs of Assumption, donations to various charities, special activities and supplies. Most everything we make is from donated supplies and we especially need and welcome YARN.
We need new members and new ideas – Come join us and share in some fun and productivity.
Call Helen: (626) 844-9110