Respect Life Videos

On Jan. 21, 2012, ABVM Pastor Fr. Gerard O’Brien led a group of Assumption Parishioners to attend the Mass for the Unborn at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels.

This special Mass begun 9 years ago and has been an annual event since. This is the first year for Archbishop Jose Gomez as he concelebrated the Mass with Cardinals, Bishops and priests.

150 candles were lit at the end of Mass to mourn the loss of 150 aborted a day in Los Angeles. Music for the Mass was written specifically to affirm the Church’s belief in the sanctity of all human life. This was a beautiful and emotional ceremony. I would like to share this 16 minutes video assortment with my fellow parisioners who were not able to attend. Through prayer and education, we hope that the number of candles lessens every year and we continue to pray for protecting the unborn.

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