Adult Confirmation


Confirmation, along with Baptism and First Eucharist (First Holy Communion) is one of the Sacraments of Initiation whereby persons become fulIy initiated members of the Catholic Church. Confirmation is normally required to marry in the Catholic Church; or to sponsor a child, teen or adult for Baptism or Confirmation. In the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, persons usually prepare for and receive Confirmation in their High School years.  Those Catholic adults (18 years or older) who have been baptized and have received First Eucharist, but did not receive Confirmation as a teen, may prepare to be confirmed by attending sessions with those adults preparing to become Catholics through the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). Those adults seeking to receive Confirmation are confirmed with the teen candidates by the assigned Bishop at the yearly Confirmation Ceremony/Mass. The date for the Confirmation fluctuates, but is usually held in the Easter Season.

The Adult Confirmation/RCIA sessions are held in the Rectory Upstairs Room on Thursday evenings from 7:00-9:00 pm from September to June.  The Parish Office has information on the starting date for each yearly cycle. The weekly sessions provide basic information on faith, prayer, Scripture and Catholic beliefs and teachings, leading to an adult commitment to Christian discipleship and full membership in the Catholic Church.

The $50 fee for adults wishing to be confirmed covers the cost of the Confirmation gown for the Ceremony. Copies of Baptism and First Eucharist certificates are required as well as an initial interview with one of the Adult Confirmation/RCIA Team. Information about selection of a sponsor will be given in one of the sessions.

To register for the Adult Confirmation Program, please contact the Parish Office (626-792-1343).

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