Message from Fr. Mike
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Sept. 29, 2024
Dear Parishioners,
May the “grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (Eph 1:2) be with you. I give thanks to our God for you in my prayers because of your commitment to our parish community and your partnership in spreading the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. May we all continue to grow in faith and love for our Lord Jesus Christ and this community.
The Finance Council and I would like to update you on the progress of the Call to Renew Capital Campaign.
As of August 30, 2024:
Parish Goal | $ 935,000.00 |
Total Pledge |
$2,307,041.00 |
Total Paid |
$1,137,433.60 |
Parish Portion |
$ 669,933.60 |
Expenses to date |
$ 91,369.08 |
Balance after expenses |
$ 578,564.52 |
Project Estimate |
$2,000,000.00 |
The success of this campaign is a sign of your generosity and commitment to this community. Thank you very much.
The data above shows that a great percentage of the total pledge has been collected as of August 31st. This is a tremendous success considering that this is the first year of the campaign. Again, thank you.
The data also shows that 58.9% of the Total Paid is the parish portion. This is because we have met and surpassed the parish goal. From now on, every cent you give to this campaign will go straight to the parish. Thank you and Congratulations.
However, when the total parish portion is put against the total cost of the Msgr. Crean Hall project, we are a little concerned. The chart shows that the parish portion is only 29% of the estimated cost of the Msgr. Crean Hall project.
Due to the rising cost of materials and labor, it is estimated that it will cost more than $2,000,000 to have a decent renovation done in Msgr. Crean Hall. We need to start the renovation of the Hall as soon as possible. The more we wait, the higher the cost. To start the renovation now, we will need to ask for a loan from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to bridge the gap between the actual construction costs and the pledges collected. We designated this year as the year of Faith and Hope. We believe and hope that everyone will fulfil their pledge and give more. We will pay off the loan with pledge fulfilment. Hence, we count on everyone to PARTICIPATE IN THE CAMPAIGN.
We have launched a yearlong 75th anniversary celebration of this wonderful parish. This puts our Msgr. Crean Hall project on a fast track. We hope to complete the project by August of 2025. As we thank those before us for the faith we inherited, also future generation will thank you for preserving that faith.
God bless you,
Fr. Mike Ume
Msgr. Crean Hall circa 1960
In April, 1958, work was started on the final portion of the parish plant to be designed by Architect George J. Adams, who also designed St. Elizabeth’s in Altadena, and Cantwell Sacred Heart of Mary High School in Montebello. It was to be a combination cafeteria and auditorium, and was called a “Cafetorium.” The new building was 50 feet wide and 60 feet long, with a 16’ x 60’ porch on the east side that was intended to serve as a lunch shelter for the school children. The original plan was that when a permanent church was built (the current Msgr. Moretti Auditorium was the original church), that the first church would become the auditorium, and the “Cafetorium” would become three additional classrooms. The “Cafetorium” was finished in either 1959 or 1960.
Sept. 14, 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
On September 14, 2025, we will celebrate the 75th Anniversary of our parish. For 75 years, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish has proclaimed the Gospel of Our Lord Christ to the residents of this Northeast part of Pasadena and beyond. For 75 years, our parish has welcomed people into our Catholic community through the Sacrament of Baptism, reconciling people with God through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and ministering to the sick through the Sacrament of Anointing. For 75 years, this parish has helped young couples start their families by celebrating their marriages and educating their children. Our TK through 8th grade elementary school has given thousands of children a good start in life. Most importantly, the parish has formed and nourished our community through the daily celebration of the Eucharist. These ministries and many more are what we have done and will continue to do.
While the 75th anniversary celebration is on September 14, 2025, we will begin on September 14/15th of this year with preliminary celebrations leading up to our anniversary. There will be different events throughout the year. Be part of these events and attend. We want everyone to be part of this celebration. Therefore, sign up for one or more of our committees. We need volunteers. You can reach out to Mr. Guido Galli, the Coordination of our75th Anniversary Celebration. He can be reached at for more information on different committees or call the rectory, 626-792-1343.
The theme for the 75th Anniversary Celebration is THE FAITH AND HOPE WE INHERITED. In 2012, Pope Benedict XVI declared that year as the Year of Faith. Pope Francis indicated that 2025 is a Year of Hope. This is our year of Faith and Hope. Let us use this year to renew our faith and hope in God, and in this parish community. We have lined up events to help us achieve this goal.
Sincerely your brother in Christ,
Fr. Mike Ume