Mrs. Rae Lynn Jensen

"Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you." – St. Augustine

Curriculum Overview

Fifth grade is a year of challenging curriculum, greater responsibility and preparation for middle school. Through the six core subjects that are taught each week, students practice becoming active learners and responsible citizens.

Religion – The Religion curriculum is centered on living a life of faith and deepen students’ understanding of the sacraments. Students will engage in various prayer opportunities, and develop a stronger relationship with God through the Rosary, Scripture, and participating in the liturgical seasons of the Church. Knowledge of the signs and symbols of the Sacraments are strengthened, and students will learn how to model their lives after the saints.

Reading – Students are engaged in a variety of Common Core aligned lessons that strengthen their foundational reading skills. Through focused selections, novel studies, and multi-media texts, students hone in on practical reading strategies and gain understanding in a variety of genres including literature and expository texts. Accelerated Reader goals are individually assigned, and students work actively to reach these goals every trimester.

ELA – Students will write about relevant and engaging topics through personal and fictional narratives, persuasive essays and research reports. Writing is strengthened through daily journal prompts, reflections, and direct instruction in English conventions. Compelling programs such as IXL support the students’ mastery.

Math – Students are encouraged to use their critical thinking skills in approaching word problems, and use strategic tools to solve numerical expressions. Math lessons are aligned to Common Core standards in place value, fractions, interpreting data, and geometry. Daily review in previous concepts learned contributes to mastery in mathematical proficiency and fluency.

Social Studies – Students discover our nation’s rich history as we dig deep into the founding of our country. We begin with early Native American cultures, sail through the Age of Exploration, learn about life during the Thirteen Colonies, explore the causes of the American Revolution, and open our horizons towards Westward Expansion. Hands-on projects, group activities, and engaging lessons stir the minds of our budding fifth grade pioneers!

Science – Life Science focuses on organisms involved in food webs and food chains, and properties of matter are covered in Physical Science. A heavy focus on the patterns of the Earth, sun, moon, and stars is covered in Earth and Space Science.